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The application of heater chiller in extraction separation.(Ⅱ)

Feb. 12. 2024

The application of high and low temperature circulator in extraction separation

The application of heater chiller in extraction separation.(Ⅱ)

1. Temperature control

The heating and cooling circulator can provide a stable temperature environment to achieve effective extraction and separation. For example, when extracting vegetable oil, controlling the temperature can better extract oil and improve extraction efficiency.

2. Optimization of separation effect

The reactants have different solubility at different temperatures. The high and low temperature circulation device can improve the separation efficiency by adjusting the temperature based on the solubility properties of the reactants.

3. Reduce separation time

The heating and cooling circulator can achieve temperature changes in a short period of time, thereby reducing separation time. For example, when extracting proteins, the extraction time can be shortened by using a high and low temperature circulator.