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Application of Ultra Low Temperature Circulating Coolers Ⅱ

May. 30. 2023

Application of Ultra Low Temperature Circulating Coolers Ⅱ

1. Scientific research

Refrigerated circulators can be used for physical, chemical, and biological experiments in scientific research. For example, in material research, this device can achieve high-precision temperature control to explore the properties of materials under extreme conditions.

2. Pharmaceutical manufacturing

Refrigerated circulators can be used in the refrigeration process of pharmaceutical manufacturing. For example, in drug production, it is necessary to provide ultra-low temperature freezing protection for certain substances to ensure their long-term preservation.

3. Industrial production

Refrigerated circulators can also be used for specific applications in industrial production, such as electronic equipment manufacturing and food processing. In electronic equipment manufacturing, this device can be used to control the temperature of semiconductor materials, thereby improving product quality. In food processing, it can be used for refrigeration and freezing of meat and other perishable foods.

Low temperature circulating chiller is a very important equipment with extensive applications in multiple fields.